Secularism in India : Secularism vs Anti-Secularism vs Over-secularism.

In India we often hear the debate of secularism. So let's discuss about secularism and it's variations.

Secularism in India-

According to 42nd amendment in constitution enacted in 1976 India is a secular nation. However personal laws of a citizen are dependent on their respective religion.
The concept of secularism is deeply rooted in our society. India has been secular since other religion came across India.

What is secularism?

"The belief that religion should not influence or involved in the organisation of society , education , government , etc."

Let's understand secularism with an analogy-
• Secularism is like two friends sitting together in a restaurant one likes tea whereas other likes coffee , they both sit together  one drinks tea and other coffee still they are friends. 
It's not like one has to drink both. Similarly every individual is free to follow his religion and it's not compulsory he has to follow multiple , however he can. As I like tea but I also like to have coffee once in a while

Distortion of secularism-

In my opinion there are three variations of secularism (including secularism) -
• Secularism
• Over-Secularism 
• Anti-Secularism

Secularism ( Discussed earlier)

• Over-Secularism-

" Preferring a person just because he is of different religion. "

Many times people try to show themselves secular by preferring person of other religion which is against the basic premise of secularism. 


" Preferring a person just because he is of the same religion. "

Many times people prefer the person of same religion which is also against the basic premise of secularism.

People try to radicalize on the basis of religion.

• Politicians radicalize the society just for their personal greed of winning the election.
• Filmmakers use public sentiments just to promote their films.
Terrorist Groups  try to manipulate innocent public just to fulfill their evil plans.

Which one is worse Over-secularism or Non-secularism ?

Neither of them are serving the society. They both result in the conflicts of two group. And result in the violence , loss of public as well as private property.

              Secularism and India- 

Former Prime minister Sri Atal Bihari Vajpayee Ji rightly quoted, " If India is not secular then India is not India at all. "

According to Indian culture -

We follow the concept of " Vasudhaiva Kutumbakum " which means everyone on this planet is my family. There is no discrimination on the basis of class , colour , religion , etc.

In India's freedom struggle , the friendly association of Ashfaqulla khan  and Ram Prasad Bismil  truly represents the idea of secularism and nationality.
Ram Prasad Bismil.       Ashfaqulla khan

" Religion is a personal thing , we should not make it a public issue ."

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